Fire in the Kitchen – creator of the finest, Canadian made seasonings and dry rub marinades, since 2009


Want to sell Fire In the Kitchen?

First off we want to thank you for your interest in becoming a vendor with Fire in the Kitchen.  Our goal is to create a vendor network capable of providing Fire in the Kitchen customers with a superior experience in sales and support of our products.  You can find Fire in the Kitchen specialty seasoning, dry rub marinades and Wicked Pickles at a variety of gourmet food shops and butchers across Ontario and Canada. You can use our Store Locator to find locations (including yours after you sign up!).

Flip through our Retailer Kit...

Download our The Fire in the Kitchen Retailer Kit here!


For more Retailer information, please contact us at and we will contact you shortly.

If you would like to see our products at a particular gourmet food shop or butcher close to you ask them to carry our products, then send us the store name so that we can follow-up right away. Your consideration and continued support is much appreciated, help us spread the word and expand our retailer network beyond all borders!

Find a store that carries our products below!

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